I have a confession to make: I haven’t written anything (besides this post) in about two months. My WIP has lain untouched, my characters unchallenged, and my plot undeveloped. Like most creators, writing isn’t my only outlet. Other creative passions include photography, painting, and listening to music.
But the one (besides writing) I most enjoy is theatre. I’ve been acting since 2008, and there’s nothing quite like performing live.
I went to an audition in November and was cast in my local community theatre’s production of Steel Magnolias.
A Tale of Two Creative Passions
For the first few weeks I was fine getting up early to write and going to rehearsal a few nights a week. But at the start of the new year, we upped our rehearsals to almost every night. I woke up at 5:30am, wrote, and worked all day. With rehearsals, I didn’t get to sleep until almost 11pm.
My big “aha” moment was coming down with a sinus infection and suffering migraines at work every day for a week. I realized then my body couldn’t handle the schedule I’d set for it.
I had to make a choice. The play was a done deal — I couldn’t back out, and I couldn’t go to bed any earlier. The only thing I could do was sleep in and shelve my writing.
It broke my heart to change my routine. I was finally used to getting up early to write. But with my evenings tied up, it wasn’t sustainable. And it wasn’t healthy.
More on writing routines here: Writing Routine Interrupted
The play has taken over my writing time for now, but I’m having so much fun with the cast, crew, and story that I definitely don’t regret it. The experience has taught me about character development and plot, and I firmly believe indulging other creative passions can only strengthen my writing. As Joanna Penn from The Creative Penn says, “We have to fill our creative wells.”
I will be glad to regain my writing time when this show is over, but I am thankful for the opportunity to work alongside some of the most talented and genuine women I have ever met.
Will my book be finished later than intended? Yes. But honestly, I think it will be better for everything I’ve learned.
My Three Big Takeaways
1) I need to take care of myself first and foremost, even if that means sacrificing productivity.
2) Pursuing other creative passions can “fill my well” and keep me excited about writing. They give me new perspective and fresh ideas.
3) I have more time than I think. I just need to look for it and decide to use it appropriately. We don’t realize how much time we actually have until something else fills it. If I can muster the energy to perform after a long day at work, I can surely summon enough to write a few words.
When the set of Steel Magnolias comes down on Feb 18, I’ll be leaving the stage and returning to my writing routine. And you can bet I’ll be making every minute count.